By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, staying ahead of the curve and boosting profitability is paramount for success. For the savvy business leader, a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) can be the secret weapon that sets your business apart. It's the Swiss Army knife of business strategies, offering five game-changing aspects that can supercharge your profitability. However, many business leaders may not fully realize the capabilities and power of their CRMs. That's where the "secret weapon" comes into play! Here are some often overlooked strategies that business leaders can implement to position themselves for success. 1. Precision Targeting To fully capitalize specific targeting, business leaders should segment their audience and personalize messaging. Segment your customer base based on characteristics and behavior, allowing tailored marketing campaigns. Using personalized messages to address unique needs will also enhance engagement and conversion rates. 2. Streamlined Sales Process Automate lead nurturing and leverage data analytics for process optimization to go beyond surface-level benefits. Automation streamlines follow-ups with potential customers, ensuring they receive the correct information at the right time. Also, use data analytics to help identify bottlenecks, refine strategies, and measure the effectiveness of sales channels. 3. Enhancing Customer Loyalty To foster unwavering customer loyalty, engage in proactive communication and collect and act on customer feedback. Maintain ongoing communication with customers through newsletters or personalized messages. Using a CRM in this way for feedback collection demonstrates a commitment to improving their experience. 4. Data-Driven Decision Making Fully utilizing data-driven insights is crucial for business leaders. This aspect involves setting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and training your team to interpret data effectively. Also, define measurable KPIs aligned with business goals and monitor them regularly. Finally, provide your team with skills and knowledge through training, empowering them to make informed, data-driven decisions. 5. Cross-selling Opportunities To maximize cross-selling, analyze purchase patterns and provide tailored recommendations based on customer behavior and preferences. It's also essential to identify trends in customer purchasing behavior through CRM data analysis, develop a strategy for delivering tailored product recommendations, and use marketing automation to provide recommendations at the right moment. Incorporating a CRM as your secret weapon significantly boosts profitability while ensuring a strategic advantage upon your business. It empowers you to outperform competitors in an ever-evolving business landscape. By embracing a robust CRM system, you position your business to thrive and remain agile, outpacing competitors who may struggle to match your precision and efficiency. It's a potent competitive edge crucial for long-term success and growth. And who doesn't want that? # # # If your CRM is not living up to its full potential, I'd love to chat with you! I can provide you with some pointers to optimize your current platform or even present some other alternatives to you. Click the button below to schedule a chat!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions If you’ve been reading my blogs or newsletters for a while, you probably know I’m a huge Kansas City Chief’s fan. One thing I love to do is to bring to light leadership lessons from this amazing team! One person I’d like to highlight this week is defensive back Jaylen Watson. His story is so inspirational, and his knack last year for game-changing plays was instrumental in the Chiefs run to the Super Bowl. Here’s an example of that. In the first game in the 2022 season with the Los Angeles Chargers, he intercepted the ball near the Chargers end zone and ran it back for a 99-yeard touchdown. That’s pretty amazing in itself, one of the longest “Pick 6s” in Chiefs history and the longest go-ahead fourth-quarter Pick 6 by a rookie in NFL history. Here are some leadership tips from his life that I believe we can embrace to become more effective leaders: 1. Never Give Up and Never Give in When the cards are stacked against you, rearrange the cards! Jaylen did that after he flunked out of USC. He realized the necessity to turn things around. So, when he landed at Washington State, he worked hard and got straight A’s while beginning to make a name for himself on the football field. Leadership Tip: stay determined to achieve your goals, no matter what obstacles or challenges stand in your way. 2. When Your Name is Called, Be Ready Jaylen wasn't even supposed to be playing in this game. Trent McDuffie, a fellow rookie, was injured in the season opener. Jaylen was the next man up. In his own words, he said, "I've just been working my butt off, and if the time came where someone went down, I was going to be ready and prepared, and that's what happened.” Leadership Tip: stay proactive in your day-to-day professional life. Sharpen your saw through learning opportunities. Make the most of mentoring relationships. Stay on top of your obligations, and don't forget to pass your wisdom on to others. 3. Anticipate Great Things to Happen In a post-game interview, Jaylen said he woke up knowing he would get a Pick-6. Since he was a rookie and a seventh-round NFL draft pick (the bottom-of-the-barrel talent, in NFL speak), he knew the tests would come early from the Chargers quarterback. And when it happened, he was ready. Leadership Tip: envision your success, knowing you'll succeed in whatever comes your way. Be confident that great opportunities are on the horizon. # # # As business leaders, we would all do well to embrace these qualities: through never giving up, preparing ourselves to serve well, and envisioning our success, we will become better equipped to lead with excellence. Speaking of leading with excellence, Michael Cantu and I discuss how to do this in our best-selling book, No-Nonsense Digital Transformation. We cover quite a few topics on leading well: transforming culture and mindset, effective project planning, and building productive teams, to name a few. This book would still be an excellent read, even if you're not interested in digital transformation! If you want to learn more, click the button below!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions In leadership, influence is the cornerstone of effectiveness. A leader's ability to inspire, guide, and shape the future hinges on their power to influence others. So many books exist on this topic - it may be a challenge to know where to start! For that reason, here's a quick 3-minute read to help you increase your leadership influence quotient: 1. Expand Your Knowledge Base It’s easy to get lackadaisical when it comes to learning. Some leaders may feel complacent and don't feel the need to grow anymore. This scenario can be the case if leaders have been in their roles for a long time. If this is the case, the best thing to do is decide to keep learning, push through the resistance, and get growing! 2. Take a Genuine Interest in Others Great leaders show care for others and their needs, which builds emotional equity amongst their peers and those they lead. Who doesn’t love to follow leaders who genuinely care about them? 3. Be Generous People remember leaders for their generosity, especially when their giving isn't required. And it doesn't even have to be money--gifts of time are invaluable as well. 4. Be Authentic People can spot a fake a mile away, yet so many are afraid to be themselves, thinking people won’t accept them if they show their true selves. They’d rather put on a mask instead. The best thing we can do is be ourselves, and if the true-you has rough edges, that’s okay. We all have them. To be imperfect is perfectly human. 5. Thrive During Tough Times We do have a choice on how we deal with hardship. It comes down to two things: either we choose to face challenges head-on, or by default, we allow adversity to eat away at our resilience and our ability to overcome. My advice? Choose wisely! 6. Embrace Servant Leadership Have the mindset that life isn't about us. It's about serving others, bringing value to everyone we meet, and leaving a legacy. In the end, if we can embrace these six qualities such that they become a part of who we are, our influence as a leader will grow, and who doesn’t want that? # # # Speaking of growing, how would you like to win back customers who left for greener pastures? What if you could get a guarantee that your investment in a solution to accomplish this would more than pay off with minimal effort on your part? If that sounds intriguing, I'd love to have a chat with you! Click the button below to schedule a time.
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions As a business leader, you may have experienced the failure of at least one project. In those instances, many executives have considered what techniques would help ensure future project success. One way to view these failures is to hone in on what didn’t work in those situations. Flipping the switch on these scenarios can provide valuable insight into what could’ve worked. Along those lines, what common mistakes can project managers avoid to help ensure success? 1. Failing to Think Outside the Box to Avoid Potential Problems Unfortunately, many Project Management (PMs) often focus on putting out fires instead of thinking outside the box to help prevent the occurrence of possible challenges. Great PMs tune into what could go wrong. They are forward-looking, ask questions, and are on the lookout for problems before they ever occur. 2. Prioritizing the Unimportant over the Important Too often, PMs will focus on minutia instead of the most essential things: ensuring the client is happy, tracking the budget, and keeping the project on time (to name a few). For instance, it doesn’t matter nearly as much if someone hasn’t updated a chart or properly marked a task as 40% instead of 50% complete. A good PM constantly weighs what’s essential and tackles those items first. 3. Under-utilizing the Best Aspects of the Team When PMs don't take the time to understand their individual team members' strengths and weaknesses, the team cannot function at optimum levels. For example, Bob may excel at performing a particular task, but instead, the PM assigns the task to Suzy, who isn’t as skilled at that specific job. Also, some team members may require more oversight than others. Finding these abilities and assigning team members to perform tasks that match those skills can tremendously boost team productivity. 4. Neglecting to Regularly Test Early-On Assumptions PMs often have to make assumptions based on scarce available information at the beginning of projects. Testing and revising assumptions against this information is essential when more data becomes available. Failure to do so can result in serious errors affecting project success. # # # Speaking of avoiding failure, Scrum is a fantastic project management approach that helps identify problems before they become issues. As a certified Professional Scrum Master, I’ve experienced this reality repeatedly in my line of work. I’ve also seen how using Scrum typically decreases the time to finish projects, and it doesn’t matter what type of project it is. I'd love to talk with you if you have any projects you would like to undertake but have limited internal resources to complete them! You can click the button below to schedule a chat.
November 2024