By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions With everything that is going on right now in the world—the war in the Ukraine, inflation, and high levels of uncertainty—staying positive and finding solutions to challenges can be a difficult at times; however, it is possible. If you or your team is in a tough spot, this possibility may seem highly unlikely. However, there are things you can do to overcome what appear to be insurmountable challenges. Here are three steps to get you headed in the right direction: 1. Accept Your Current Situation I like to call this “relinquishing your right to a different current state.” This idea may sound strange, but it's an effective way to approach difficult situations creatively. We often waste precious brain capacity on wishing for a different result. Whenever we can clear out the mental clutter, this frees up our mind to see the challenge for what it is, not for what we want it to be. Here’s a little exercise you can try out to help with this:
Once you’ve tried this, you’re ready for the next step. 2. Brainstorm Solutions This tip is self-explanatory; however, if this challenging situation involves your team, get them involved to help with finding solutions. You can even do a reverse brainstorming exercise. This approach is where you work backward from the end state that you DON’T want to happen. 3. Pick Your Best Solution and Put it into Play Again, include your team to help choose the best solution that will solve the problem. If you’re having a challenging time picking the best approach, I’ve included a free Prioritization Tool below. Once you have selected your best option, implement your new game plan. I hope these steps help you! In the meantime, if you have any questions about the best ways to optimize your organization, I'd love to hear from you! I'm all about helping organizations become profitable beyond their imagination. P.S. Don’t forget to download your FREE Prioritization Tool by clicking the button below.
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Is your company trying to chart a path forward with your innovation efforts, but you’re feeling stuck? Or, have your product innovation efforts gone the way of the telephone pictured above? If you’re in this boat, here are five tips you can use to get back on track, all centered around the idea of thinking outside the box: 1. Transform Products through New Additions Try combining your product with something different to make something new, e.g., a cell phone with a flashlight, a watch with linked cell phone technology, to name a few. 2. Examine Existing Patents for New Ideas Search patents in your field. What ideas can you put into practice from active patents that could achieve the same end goal? Are any expiring that you could use that method? Are there some that you could license? 3. Eliminate to Innovate Is there a way to remove something that can make your product better? Amazon displaced the need to visit a bookstore, Dell eliminated the computer store, and the Sony Walkman eliminated speakers and record functions. 4. Find a New Way to Use Your Product Think of different applications for an existing product. An excellent example of this is De Beers—they decided to focus on engagement rings when they had only produced industrial diamonds. Doing so was a game-changer for them. 5. Look to the Past Are there any methods, products, or services that were in use years ago in your market space that could inspire developing something new? For instance, speed dating is a relaunch of a Victorian dance format where ladies had cards marked with appointments. And just because you’ve read through all five, here’s a bonus tip: 6. Bring in Experts If your company lacks bandwidth, contract with someone for identified projects, or if you’re not sure where to start, think about bringing someone in who’s skilled in innovation consulting. Speaking of outside help, if you're feeling stuck and could use some assistance, I would love to brainstorm some ideas with you! We can help point out some areas where you could improve your profitability and increase innovation. Interested? If so, click the button below to schedule a time, and we'll get something on the calendar!
November 2024