By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Many business leaders are juggling many tasks these days. As a result, their leadership development can often take a back seat. That's why I love leadership quotes. They are a quick lesson in practical leadership principles that can help sharpen our saws, even during the busiest times. Here are a few that caught my eye recently. I've wrapped them around an experience I had early in my leadership journey to further illustrate their power. # # # A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and help those who are doing well to do even better. -Jim Rohn At one large company I worked for, I had been in my position for a while and had accomplished great things, but I didn't see any possibilities for challenging work on the horizon. I was performing at a lower level than I could because I was bored with the status quo. That's when the best boss I ever had stepped in. He presented me with the idea of running a Voice of the Customer process team for the whole company, and I accepted his offer. This new role instantly energized me, and through the process, I gained additional skills that were key to launching my consulting firm after I left the company. # # # A leader takes people where they would never go on their own. - Hans Finzel My boss instinctively knew I would not volunteer for such a role because I lacked confidence in my ability to lead during that career phase. Offering this role signified that he was confident in my ability to excel, which paved the way to my success. # # # Leaders instill in their people a hope for success and a belief in themselves. Positive leaders empower people to accomplish their goals. -Unknown Not only did offering the role boost my confidence, he told me I'd do a great job. His belief empowered me to lead with excellence. Not only that, the experience I gained gave me the skills to launch my own business later on down the line. You never know how one simple decision can change an employee's life trajectory! # # # If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams My boss demonstrated this truth by living out these principles. As leaders, if we can do the same with those that follow our lead, we will have led well. # # # Talking about leading well, are you interested in learning how to successfully lead digital transformations in your organization? Many business leaders struggle with this; 84% of all digital transformations fail! That's why Michael Cantu and I wrote our book, No-Nonsense Digital Transformation. We want to give business leaders a step-by-step roadmap to ensure digital transformation success so they can avoid becoming a part of this statistic. If you're interested in learning more, click the button below to get started!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Who would have dreamed before 2020 that we would be experiencing all the challenges these days? And with The Great Resignation in full swing, business leaders are up to their eyeballs in even more challenges! With so much uncertainty on the horizon, how can these leaders increase employee satisfaction and engagement to help prevent their employees from finding greener pastures? Here are four things that can help: 1. Reinforce How Important Your Employees are to the Company Most people crave a sense of belonging and want to make a difference. Employees that see a direct linkage between what they do and how it impacts the organization and society, in general, will be more inspired and productive. Companies that can step back from their everyday way of doing business to assess how they can make explicit connections between individuals, their jobs, and the organizational purpose/mission will often come out ahead. 2. Offer More Opportunities to Employees Many organizations have been guilty of placing workers in roles based on what they've always done in the past because it's a tried-and-true approach. Many of these employees feel pigeon-holed and frustrated by this. Countless employees are capable of so much more! Now is not the time to pull back on workforce development efforts! Organizations now can re-evaluate how they encourage and offer more opportunities for employees to fulfill their potential. Companies that do this have a greater chance of building a more resilient workforce that can more effectively weather difficult times. 3. Lighten Your Employees' Workloads Through Technology The pandemic challenged the idea that machines can completely replace humans, evidenced by many non-essential robotics-based factories that shut down for weeks on end. Interactions between workers and machines are much more powerful together than on their own. Organizations that embrace the idea of finding ways to integrate teams of employees and technologies will be the most successful in the long run. They'll not only be able to streamline costs but provide more significant meaning for the workforce. 4. Expand Knowledge Creation & Sharing Starting with the pandemic, people's hunger for information reached epic proportions. Could there be a way to carry over a thirst for knowledge and translate it to running a business more effectively? The answer is "yes ." Companies can encourage a culture where knowledge creation and sharing are everyday occurrences. That way, when valuable employees walk out the door, all the knowledge they have accumulated in their brains doesn't walk out with them. If you want to grow in any of these areas, I would love to help! I am fascinated with ensuring a more seamless experience between the two, emphasizing IT systems and Artificial Intelligence. And if you're not already aware, I am partnered with someone to help with that! In a previous LinkedIn article about Accelerate, Michael Cantu' talked about this. We work together to help companies who want to prepare their organizations for success—to streamline and automate their business processes to increase efficiency and profitability. If you're interested in learning more about preparing your business for the future, we'd love to chat with you! Click the button below to schedule a 1:1 discussion.
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions About a year ago, I was talking with a friend. We had a great conversation, and there is one thing she said that has stuck with me. She put words to my life's mission into one sentence: Kathy, you're all about helping people become the best versions of themselves. Wow, she hit the nail on the head! As a certified life coach, I love to help people step into all the good that life has in store for them. I'm also involved in prison ministry. As a worship leader, I get the privilege of leading the inmate band at our monthly worship services. The men we work with are so appreciative of what we do for them. Knowing I make a difference in people's lives makes my heart sing! So, why am I sharing this with you? Well, it translates well into my passion for work. I'm all about helping businesses become the best that they can be! The primary way I do that is through business transformation. By streamlining and automating operations, it creates efficiencies, which reduces costs, and then increases the bottom line. And that leads to the tagline for my business: I help organizations become profitable beyond their imagination! I do this through the following approaches:
The one service offering I'm most excited about is process automation. The software platform I sell, Accelerate, has helped my strategic partner, Michael Cantu, consistently achieve a 300% increase in productivity with his clients. This tool fits nicely in my toolkit—I streamline the processes, and Michael automates them. It's a win-win scenario! As for me, I've experienced some great results as well: Scrum Project:
Voice of the Customer:
Sales Process:
For all these reasons listed above, I'm passionate about what I do—helping businesses become the best that they can be! So, that's enough about me. I'd love to find out more about what you do! Are you facing any challenges in your business? I'd love to hop on a Zoom or phone call to brainstorm some solutions with you—for free! If that sounds good, click the button below to schedule a time for us to talk.
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions With so many aspects of our world and business environment changing daily, many leaders face the challenge of remaining agile and adaptable. Doing so is ultra-important to navigate change successfully. So what are some keys to becoming more adaptable and agile? 1. Realize a Change-Oriented Mindset Business leaders must have a mindset that embraces change. Here's a great quote to reinforce the importance: Most suffering comes from the failure to adapt and a resistance to change. – Debasish Mridha Change is inevitable, and business leaders who embrace change will naturally become more agile and adaptable during times of upheaval. And as this quote suggests, realizing a change mindset can relieve the suffering of the business leader and, ultimately, the organization. 2. Develop a Plan Now that you're ready to embrace change, develop an organizational plan to navigate it. This applies to both internal change initiatives and the fall-out of change occurring outside your organization. For internal change initiatives, it's helpful to include an outline of steps you'll follow and a timeline for their accomplishment. In addition to the organizational plan, a personal plan for navigating change (both internal and external) can also significantly help a business leader. For instance, if you know you have triggers associated with certain things that will most likely happen, such as dealing with disgruntled and argumentative employees, then develop a plan to deal with these encounters. Also, include several scenarios that could occur to ready yourself to deal with them. 3. Be Accountable in Your Response to Change Having an outside sounding board can help business leaders become more flexible and agile during change cycles. If you don't have a mentor or peer group with whom you can regularly discuss ongoing challenges, it's good to get involved with one. Not only will you have a forum to discuss these challenges, but you can also establish goals for which you can be accountable. Finally, regularly check in with your staff to see how well you are doing with agility and adaptability. Having the humility and discipline to remain accountable in this way can reap enormous dividends for you and the company. Did you like this blog? If so, check back during the coming weeks. I'll be sharing 7 Essential Skills for Leaders to Embrace. This blog is the second in the series. Other topics will include innovation and creativity, conflict management, and stepping out of your comfort zone, among others. So stay tuned! # # # I've been talking about it for a while. The manuscript is reaching its final stages of approval for the release of Michael Cantu's and my paperback, No-Nonsense Digital Transformation! We're hoping to launch by the end of the month or early July. If you'd like to learn more, click the button below!
November 2024