By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Well, here we are in a new year. Where did 2022 go? It flew by so fast, but I must admit, I'm thankful for a fresh start. Why do I say that? There’s a good reason. Last year was full of multiple challenges, so 2023 feels like a new gift I get to open up and enjoy. However, 2022 was a year of tremendous personal and professional growth because I chose to grow through the challenges I faced. I've learned for myself that I grow the most when under fire. That certainly was the story of last year for me! So what has helped me grow during challenging circumstances? Here are three things that inspired my growth—three things I'll continue to do to make 2023 the best year yet! 1. Work With a Coach or Mentor I can't emphasize the importance of good mentors or coaches. I have three, and it's been game-changing for me. I'm not the same person I was before working with them, and I'm so grateful for their investment in my life! A great mentor or coach can help you sort through challenges and give you an invaluable outside perspective. They're also great for helping you push through barriers in your mind to achieve your goals. Steps You Can Take: If you need a mentor or coach, I recommend finding one! Your connections can be an excellent source for referrals to outstanding individuals. And if you are already working with one, fully engaging in the relationship to help ensure accountability is a perfect thing to do. 2. Nurture and Utilize Your Network My reach into companies is exponential because of the rock star-caliber relationships I have in my life. They make me better at what I do, and it works both ways! A great example is my partnership with Michael Cantu, my process automation strategic partner. Before working with him, I did solo gigs as a process improvement consultant; they are a dime a dozen in Kansas City. Through our association, he’s sent work my way, and we both have tremendous opportunities in our sales pipeline. Steps You Can Take: If you're a business owner or gig worker, your connections can introduce you to rockstars who can help you meet your goals. If you're an employee, seek out people in your company with whom you can support each other. If you're a manager or business leader, your employees can be a great source of recommendations for new hires. Finally, it’s equally important to provide value to your connections! 3. Don’t Let Challenges Dissuade Achievement of Your Goals In light of the craziness in our world, I've written several blogs on this topic. Here's one about my terrible stint as a wedding singer. Steps You Can Take: It all comes down to having a don't-give-up attitude and a decision to persevere. Just decide not to give up and go after your goals no matter what comes your way! Hopefully, these ideas gave you some food for thought to help make 2023 your best year yet. And if you'd like more suggestions, I'd love to hop on a phone or Zoom call with you! I love helping individuals and companies achieve improvement in their lives and businesses. If that sounds good, click the button below to schedule a chat!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions It's hard to believe that 2022 is almost over. Where did this year go? It seems like yesterday was the beginning of this year! Speaking of 2022, I'm certainly looking forward to 2023. This was a challenging year for me, but it was full of amazing growth opportunities, which in retrospect I'm grateful for. And I have some really cool things on the horizon that I have planned for next year! So stay tuned... In the meantime, I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year. May it bring you the best that life has to offer!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions I spoke with someone the other day who mentioned they are seeing more blogs and articles around Digital Transformation (DX). There’s a good reason for that! Forward-looking companies are embracing DX to remain competitive, and for a good reason. Here are some eye-opening statistics:
With this in mind, companies that don’t embrace DX efforts can experience the following consequences: 1. Inability to Meet Customer Expectations Here’s a perfect example of how not embracing DX can lead to disaster: Years ago, many of us were more than willing to hop in the car to grab a movie at Blockbuster, bring it home, and settle into our favorite armchairs to watch it. Now with a few clicks of a remote, we can watch a Netflix movie from the comfort of our homes. Discerning companies, like Netflix, see the writing on the wall and change with the times. Blockbuster didn’t do this—they refused to go more digital, which led to their demise. 2. Higher Costs Associated with Manual, Inefficient Business Processes Many employees manually fill out forms or use Excel spreadsheets to complete their work. Some of these tasks can be so repetitive that they are mind-numbing. Both scenarios can be time consuming. With automated systems, employees can fill out forms that parse out correct information and tasks to other people next in the work queue. That way, people will know what they're supposed to be doing when they're supposed to be doing it. Furthermore, systems with artificial intelligence and bots running in the background can make repetitive decisions without employee intervention. 3. Higher Costs Associated with Maintaining Legacy Systems Companies that refrain from updating their legacy systems to newer, more efficient technologies waste precious resources by pouring money into maintaining those systems. Organizations may find that the inefficient patchworking of outdated systems could cost more than implementing new, more efficient systems that could provide a greater Return on Investment. Employee frustrations can also run higher around not having more intelligent, integrated systems at their disposal, and keeping employees happy in a tight business market is of utmost importance! These are just a few examples of the consequences companies can face by not embracing DX. Organizations that prioritize DX projects in their budgets, choose the right software platforms to meet their needs, and successfully implement their initiatives are more likely to reap benefits that will help place them at the head of the pack. This last sentence is crucial! Companies must choose the right platform and ensure proper management of the project to be successful. If you're interested in learning how to do this right for your DX projects, check out Michael Cantu’s and my book, No-Nonsense Digital Transformation. It provides a step-by-step roadmap for preparing for and implementing digital transformation initiatives in your business so you can help ensure success even before you start. If you’re interested in learning more, click the button below
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder at Kent Business Solutions How many of you have worked with exceptional leaders that have so many great qualities that you wish to emulate? Here are five traits that great leaders possess that you can mirror for your own leadership journey: 1. They Show a Personal Interest in You I’m sure many of you have worked with leaders or bosses that lacked empathy and only cared about getting the job at hand done. But truly great leaders go out of their way to learn more about their staff. And for those of you who struggle with being empathetic, here’s a great example of how you can approach this. Yesterday, I chatted with a young woman about the beginning stages of her leadership journey. She mentioned that she primarily operates from a logical point of view. After taking a personality test, she learned that to be a better leader, she needs to work on practicing more empathy with her employees. So, she's making a conscious effort to show a more personal interest in her employees every day. And it’s working! She had shared with them recently that she needed to improve in this area; however, her employees shared with her that they already see her as a caring individual. 2. They Regularly Encourage Others Excellent leaders encourage employees and help them become more successful than they currently are. They also consistently work to remove obstacles in their employees’ paths. 3. They Model Vulnerability Nobody wants to work with a robot! When a leader models humility and shares their humanity to those they lead, it levels the playing field and creates a more comfortable work environment. 4. They are Knowledgeable of Employee Weaknesses, but Focus on Their Strengths When leaders truly understand their employees’ strengths, they can assign them tasks that help their employees to excel. And when leaders can provide empathetic mentoring to help shore up employees’ weaknesses, that’s even better! 5. They Think Outside the Box Unfortunately, many leaders are currently doing the same things that they did 10 to 20 years ago. That’s a far cry from leaders who love to experiment with new ideas and challenge the status quo. This is especially important in the ever-changing business environment we live in. Leaders who don’t embrace new ideas may find themselves as a roadblock to helping their company achieve bigger and better things. Speaking about bigger and better things, are you looking to take your company to the next level in 2023? Do you have any projects in mind towards that end, but don’t have internal resources to spearhead them? If you’re in that boat, I’d love to have a chat with you! As a fractional Project Manager, I’m passionate about helping my clients jumpstart initiatives—accelerating projects to a quicker conclusion with outstanding results. If you’re interested in learning more, click the button below to schedule a chat!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions I don’t know about you, but I find it crazy that the Holiday season is upon us. Where did this year go? That being said, many people look forward to all the festivities. But for many, it can be the worst of times. The first Christmas song on the radio can cause a sense of dread in the stoutest hearts of some people. As we all know, the holiday season can magnify family issues during get-togethers. Some may feel stressed because of so many added activities to their plates. Others don't have loving families or friends to surround them, and they feel lonely and isolated. And when you throw in work responsibilities, it can be a lot to handle. So, what's a person to do to successfully navigate the holidays without losing their mind? Here are three tips to help you do just that: 1. Permit Yourself to Carve Out Some “Me” Time This idea is constructive for those who feel stressed with too many responsibilities or have strained relationships. It's easier said than done! Sometimes the root issue is that we believe it's an unattainable luxury. In those instances, the solution can be as simple as permitting ourselves to carve out this time and then actually doing it. Doing so looks different for each person. It could be taking a run through a park or reading a book at a coffee shop. It's helpful when you make arrangements with your family members, significant other, or spouse to do this and follow through. 2. Breathe Deep Awhile back, I ran across the Wim Hof Method of deep breathing to reduce stress and increase mindfulness. I was initially skeptical until I tried it myself, and it works! This method helps clear out brain noise or chatter to think clearer and be more at peace. It's allowed me to fall asleep faster, which is a welcome benefit to calm my sometimes overactive brain. If you're not interested in trying this method, spending time rhythmically breathing deep breaths can help calm you down and get you more centered. 3. Practice an Attitude of Gratitude This approach is helpful for everyone, especially those who fall into the feeling-isolated category. Since I'm single, I've found that being grateful for the little things, even the lonely times, can help me better navigate difficult times. Notice I said "practice." It's not easy to be thankful when facing challenges, but if you can practice being grateful, it can transform your outlook into a more positive one. These tips can help you in some way, whether you fall into the stressed-out, isolated, or both categories. In any case, I wish you the best holiday season, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa! # # # Speaking of stress, do you have any projects you know you need to start but don't have the capacity to manage those projects? I have good news for you! Now you can start saying "yes" to things you haven't had time for in the past. As a fractional project manager, I help business leaders move long-delayed projects forward to a successful conclusion. If you're interested in learning more, click the button below to schedule a chat!
July 2024