By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions The importance of digital transformation grows with each passing day. Leaders who embrace digital technologies are realizing the value of transforming their businesses. A recent Gallup survey discovered that 60% of executives have line items in their budgets for purchasing virtual tools. And yet, many companies have been slow to embrace digital technologies, even though their use is trending upward. Just look at Blockbuster—their refusal to do so obviously didn’t end well! Their demise proves that embracing digital transformation is essential for businesses to survive, thrive, and grow. You certainly don’t want to miss the digital transformation boat! So, what sparks companies to start their digital technology journeys? Let’s see if you fall into one of these two categories: 1. A Company Wants to Solve a Problem How they do things may be archaic, costing them money or customers. Employees may be complaining about the course of doing business as well. Unfortunately, some are often overwhelmed by these problems, so innovation becomes a pipe dream. Many of these companies have many innovative ideas, but being mired in these problems has often outweighed the ability to implement them. When issues are taken care of first, employees can start implementing these ideas more often. 2. A Company Doesn't Necessarily Have a Problem—They Want to Get Better They may be unsure how to proceed or search for outside help within a price point they can afford. It may be a complicated conversation for many of them to start with consultants—it may not come easy admitting they don’t have the answers to their challenges. Ultimately, there are great opportunities for the business and the consultant to achieve great results together. Here are some additional insights: Business Stakeholders Knowing everything is impossible in our quickly changing world; however, when business stakeholders can accept this fact, it is key in helping organizations ensure significant growth. Organizations can gain exponential understanding and value by seeking help or insight through consultants who are experts in their field. Also, many companies may stop innovating due to uncertainty because it's human nature to relish solid parameters. However, keeping an open mind amid unknowns is essential to keep innovating. Consultants For the consultant, it’s an opportunity to have honest conversations with prospective and current clients while outlining what’s possible. Organizations benefit from having another set of eyes from outside the business to look at their operations. The consultants ’ diverse experience allows them to quickly diagnose, suggest, and open opportunities for firms. Doing so can cause a positive trickle-down effect on their customers and, ultimately, the bottom line. What organization wouldn’t want that? # # # Speaking of innovation, wouldn't it be nice to have a solution that seamlessly helps you never fail to follow up with new prospects after you first meet them? I don't know about you, but it's sometimes been a challenge to consistently follow through on reconnecting with new contacts or leads after meeting them. If that sounds like you, I would love to discuss an innovative solution to help you seamlessly turn conversations into customers through consistent follow-up actions. Click the button below to schedule a quick 15-minute call!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Being a leader these days is undoubtedly a challenge—there are so many balls to juggle that it can be tricky to find time to sharpen your saw. That's why I've compiled a list of 17 leadership quotes to give you some quick inspiration to help you on your leadership journey! # # # Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. — Jack Welch If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader — John Quincy Adams The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things — Ronald Reagan A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. — John C. Maxwell A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. — Douglas MacArthur A boss has the title, the leader has the people. — Simon Sinek If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following you, then you are just taking a walk. — John C. Maxwell Leadership is an action, not a position. — Donald McGannon Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better. — Bill Bradley You manage things; you lead people. — Grace Murray Hopper Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult. — Warren G. Bennis Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead. — Pete Hoekstra A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see. — Leroy Eimes Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. — Warren G. Bennis There is a difference between being a leader and being a boss. Both are based on authority. A boss demands blind obedience; a leader earns his authority through understanding and trust. — Klaus Balkenhol The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes. — Tony Blair You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too. — Sam Rayburn Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. — Peter Drucker # # # This last quote is significant. A lot of companies may be doing many things, but are they the right things? If you're wondering if your company is going down the right path with potential projects, I'd love to talk with you! I have several resources that can help you determine what your next best steps should be. Click the button below to set up a time to chat!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Have you ever taken a risky leap at an opportunity that was a fantastic experience? At the time, it may have seemed to be a crazy decision, but you look back on it and smile when you think about it. That happened to me when I decided to participate in the "Honeywell Icon" competition (their version of American Idol) at a global sales conference when I worked for Honeywell years ago. I bring this up because I acquired some amazing leadership lessons from this experience that I'd like to share with you around embracing opportunities and obtaining success: 1. You're More Prepared Than You Think You Are I didn't think I was good enough to enter the competition when I first heard about it. I hadn't done karaoke for decades, even though, at the time, I was playing guitar and singing at open mics. Lessons Learned: Many of us underestimate ourselves when we have what it takes to succeed. After examining the opportunity and asking mentors or trusted colleagues if they believe it's worth considering, move on to the next step. 2. Take a Calculated Leap I decided to practice the song I chose (Desperado by The Eagles) to see if it was worth the risk. After that, I knew my previous performance experience would give me the confidence I needed. With the urging of my co-workers, I signed up within 15 minutes of the competition. When it came time for me to sing, I went all in and had a blast. It helped that many in the audience had overindulged quite a bit, so people were over the top with my performance, especially my colleagues. Lessons Learned: If you have the qualifications, go for it! Don’t give into imposter syndrome; embrace the opportunity and make the best of it! If you determine you're not qualified at present and it's something you would love to do in the future, take steps to prepare yourself for future opportunities. 3. Reap the Rewards & Learn from Your Mistakes While singing, I made a slight mistake that I quickly caught before it became significant, so nobody noticed. I pretended like nothing wrong had happened. In the end, I won the Honeywell Icon title. I achieved my 15 minutes of fame and enjoyed every minute of it! Winning this silly competition brought confidence that carried over into many areas of my life, all because I took the leap of faith and succeeded. Lessons Learned: Minimize mistakes along the way so they don't become more prominent and noticeable. Also, be sure to learn what you can from them. When you succeed, celebrate the victory before moving on to the next opportunity. So many times, we forget to do that! Then, translate your newly gained confidence to the following tasks at hand. # # # I am excited to announce that I'm offering a new software platform that helps small business owners grow their businesses on autopilot. It's an all-in-one sales and marketing system, a business in a box, that helps generate more leads and close deals quicker with much less effort. This is especially helpful for those who would like to improve their process for follow-ups. If you'd like to learn more, click the button below to set up a chat!
By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions Wow, where has this year gone! It seems not too long ago we were celebrating the start of the New Year, and here we are at the half-way point. Time certainly flies when you're having fun! Anyway, I digress. I want to keep this short and sweet-- |
November 2024