By: Kathy Kent Toney, CEO & Founder of Kent Business Solutions In leadership, influence is the cornerstone of effectiveness. A leader's ability to inspire, guide, and shape the future hinges on their power to influence others. So many books exist on this topic - it may be a challenge to know where to start! For that reason, here's a quick 3-minute read to help you increase your leadership influence quotient: 1. Expand Your Knowledge Base It’s easy to get lackadaisical when it comes to learning. Some leaders may feel complacent and don't feel the need to grow anymore. This scenario can be the case if leaders have been in their roles for a long time. If this is the case, the best thing to do is decide to keep learning, push through the resistance, and get growing! 2. Take a Genuine Interest in Others Great leaders show care for others and their needs, which builds emotional equity amongst their peers and those they lead. Who doesn’t love to follow leaders who genuinely care about them? 3. Be Generous People remember leaders for their generosity, especially when their giving isn't required. And it doesn't even have to be money--gifts of time are invaluable as well. 4. Be Authentic People can spot a fake a mile away, yet so many are afraid to be themselves, thinking people won’t accept them if they show their true selves. They’d rather put on a mask instead. The best thing we can do is be ourselves, and if the true-you has rough edges, that’s okay. We all have them. To be imperfect is perfectly human. 5. Thrive During Tough Times We do have a choice on how we deal with hardship. It comes down to two things: either we choose to face challenges head-on, or by default, we allow adversity to eat away at our resilience and our ability to overcome. My advice? Choose wisely! 6. Embrace Servant Leadership Have the mindset that life isn't about us. It's about serving others, bringing value to everyone we meet, and leaving a legacy. In the end, if we can embrace these six qualities such that they become a part of who we are, our influence as a leader will grow, and who doesn’t want that? # # # Speaking of growing, how would you like to win back customers who left for greener pastures? What if you could get a guarantee that your investment in a solution to accomplish this would more than pay off with minimal effort on your part? If that sounds intriguing, I'd love to have a chat with you! Click the button below to schedule a time.
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